Following his debut in the late-1980s, Daniel Dumile, then known as Zev Love X, suffered a series of unfortunate setbacks, including the death of his brother and fellow KMD member DJ Subroc and the subsequent abandonment of the group's second studio album Black Bastards by Elektra Records due to its political message and cover art. After the untimely death of his brother and the disbanding of KMD in 1993, Zev Love X left the hip-hop community and would suffer years of homelessness and despair. In 1997 he would re-emerge as MF DOOM, covering his face at shows and releasing singles on Bobbito Garcia's label Fondle 'Em Records. The three singles released generated enough buzz for Garcia to agree to sign DOOM for an album. Operation: Doomsday is regarded as one of the most influential albums in independent hip-hop history.[