Master's Hammer je blackmetalová skupina založená v roce 1987 v Československu. Po řadě demo nahrávek vydala debutové album Ritual. v roce 1991 a příští rok další s názvem Jilemnický okultista, kterými si skupina v rámci undergroundu vybudovala kultovní status dokonce i za hranicemi České republiky. Master's Hammer are a black metal band from the Czech Republic. The band has remained active with several lineup changes between 1987 and 1995, with a reunion from 2009 to the present. It is considered one of the most representative groups of its kind in the country, in interpreting their songs entirely in Czech. In addition, it is one of the precursors to incorporate symphonic metal elements. To a lesser extent, they have experimented with electronic sounds or avant-garde metal.